On 8th of January, 2021, Mano Šansonetė Orange Lily gave birth to 4 (2+2) puppies. To the delight of us all: Smiltys Amber Lighthouse, Smiltys Amber Sail, Smiltys Amber Seagull and Smiltys Amber Sunrise.

All puppies grow fast and are healthy. The first months pass unnoticed.

Vėjas brought a lot of softness to our house. It is an amazing dog, a best and most loyal friend. We never thought there were such loving, calm, quiet and gentle dogs. We are very happy to choose this variety and boldly recommend it to others.

Rūkas adores sticks and runs. Very fond of company with both humans and other dogs. The best lunch sleep only with Rūkas! This best friend you can imagine will always welcome you back home with the greatest joy and spend the evening warmly hugging you.